This Roronoa Zoro Painting is based on a character from the notorious anime/ manga One Piece, which is masterfully written extending over 1000 episodes. This will be the first in a painting series about the manga. The imagination of Blake Summy was inspired by this Zoro character.
This is 26” x 38” emerald silver metal frame.
When it’s gone it’s gone!
Place this in your home today!
This Roronoa Zoro Painting is based on a character from the notorious anime/ manga One Piece, which is masterfully written extending over 1000 episodes. This will be the first in a painting series about the manga. The imagination of Blake Summy was inspired by this Zoro character.
This is 26” x 38” emerald silver metal frame.
When it’s gone it’s gone!
Place this in your home today!